
Asset Disposition

These are changing economic times, and college and university leaders are facing unprecedented operational issues today leaving many with finanndowments, informing regulators, placing students and staff, and finally recovering costs by selling of assets.

It’s a daunting task and one higher education leadership has little to no experience in handling. Our team has been through it with others, and we bring a powerful combination of expertise, experience and capital to help you get through it.

Whether to fuel growth, consolidate operations or close entirely, Eaton Hudson’s CADS team works to get the most value out of your assets and operational items such as furniture, departmental items, lab equipment, IT equipment, athletic equipment, library collections, vehicles, maintenance items, memorabilia, trophies and other college-owned assets to offset the institution’s debt. We provide valuation, advisory and analytical services to colleges to help these institutions understand the value of all of their tangible and intangible asset classes. Using this knowledge, and applying decades of experience extracting value from assets, we develop an overall sale strategy to realize your maximum value. Our Partners Eaton Hudson collaborates with other higher education consultancies to offer its clients comprehensive solutions to mitigate risks across the spectrum of financial distress.